In Russia the delivering of post in the cities was done by separate ‘city-post’, not incorporated by the Imperial (state)post. With the post-reorganisation of 1885 the city-post offices and telegraph-offices were united with the Imperial (State)post.
In Riga there was from 1875 city-post-offices, but it not clear under who was responsible for them before 1885.
The second townpost office is opened about 1877. It was located in the city-district Hagensberg, Zaunstrasse 1.

This card has a cross-date postmark of the 2th Post- and Telegraph office , Zaunstrasse 1. In the postmark is indicated: II – ГОР.ПОЧТ. ТЕЛ КОНТ. [II e GOR. POCHT. TEL KONT.]. ГОРОД means town, the second City Post- and Telegraph office. The serial number is 2, the postmark is 24 mm, used 01.08.00 – 24.11.10. The office get in 1890 the rank of Kontora, in 1908 the rank of Post-tel. kontora.
On the card below is used the double-circle postmark of Riga 2.
Card, sent 14 3 13 from Riga 2The postmark on this card is a double-ring postmark of Riga 2, the second town-postoffice in Riga, dated 14 3 13, serial letter a, diameter 28 mm, without time of the day.
The stamps on this card are Romanov Jubilee stamps, issued 2 January, 1913, three centuries Romanovs. The card itself is also issued for this jubilee 1613-1913.