After the occupation by Soviet troops on June 21, 1940, the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic (Estonian SSR) was established on July 21, 1940. The Estonian name is Eesti Nõukogude Sotsialistik Vabariik (ENSV).
On August 6, 1940, Estonia is incorporated in the Soviet Union.

Estonian stamps remained in use, with the exception of stamps with the picture of President Konstantin Päts: these stamps were forbidden. Two covers from the collection of Andrew Cronin were franked during the Soviet occupation with Päts stamps.
lllegaal gebruik van postzegels met de beeltenis van Päts tijdens het Sovjetbewind in Estland, 1940-1941 / Andrew Cronin
In: HBG 2002 ; 41 (special issue: 20 years HBG). – p. 74-75 [Article in Dutch, about: Illegal usages of the Konstantin Päts stamps during the Soviet Administration in Estonia 1940-1941]
Postmarks of the independent Estonian Republic are used further, but on these postage stamps we see a Soviet postmark.

The issue of the carrier pigeon has as day of issue July 30, 1940, so under the Soviet Administration. But the issue was ordered in the beginning of 1940. The stamps are commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first postage stamp. The design is showing a carrier pigeon over an airplane: Mi. 160-163.
The stamps are also forged: ‘proofs in various colours’ has appeared after the World War II, made with genuine -stolen- plates.

The coat of arms is a regelar issue in 13 different denominations, printed 1928-1936.In 1936 these stamps are replaced by the regular issue of President Päts. In the ENSV these stamps with President Päts were forbidden and the stamp of 1 Sent of the Coat of Arms is reprinted on August 15, 1940.
From December 6, 1940: rates of the Soviet-Union
The German invasion of the Soviet-Union has started 22 june 1941 and the end of August Tallinn is surrounded by German troops. On August 27 the evacuation of the Russian Baltic Fleet started. With this evacuation the Russian lost many people (12.000) and ships.
*De Sovjetbezettingen in Europa 1939-1941 / Joseph Stier
In: HBG 2015 ; 67. – p. 4-14 [Article in Dutch, about: Soviet occupations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: hisatorical background, illustrations (also mixed franking), postal rates]
*EESTI = Estonia : philately & postal history handbook catalogue = Estland : Philatelie & Postgeschichte Handbuch Katalog / Vambola Hurt, Elmar Ojaste. – 1986 . – p. 122-124: Coat of Arms (reprint 1940) and p.185-187 (carrier pigeon)