From 1903 double-ring-postmarks are used: circular nr. 9 of 3 February 1903 introduced the double-ring-postmarks. The old postmarks are replaced when they are worn out. Also a detailed description is given of the new postmarks.
The postmarks consist of two rings, with the name of place in between. Day-month-year now stood on one line (in the year “19” has been omitted. There came two sorts of postmarks: bigger for the mail and smaller for receipts.

The ‘written’ letters in the postmarks. On this picture the first 7 ‘written’ letters. The postmark has the second serial-letter -2th letter = Б [B].
Card, sent in 1910 from Vilnius, with double circle postmark type 7B1.
The card is sent to Vienna, Austria, and the postage stamp of 4 kopecks is the correct rate. About rates in this time: see the site postal_rates_Lithuania1.html. In the tabel on this site: between 08-03-1889 – 18-08-1915 the rate for an international postcard is 4 kopecks.
But between 19 june 1875 and 31 August 1917 the rate for international printing matters was 2 kopecks. Some senders use this. Also from 1900 it was permitted to sent inland cards with a short text (5 words) as printing matter (1 kopeck).
The picture on the card is a view on the The Church of St Theresa. This church, built by the Discalced Carmelites in 1633-1654, has been incorporated into the large monastery and is connected with the famous chapel of Aušros vartai (Ostra Brama).
It is a complex of buildings: the Gate of Dawn with the Chapel of St. Virgin Mary the Mother of Grace and the Church of St. Teresa. In this complex is now also situated the Vilnius Archdiocese hotel Domus Maria, based on the premises of the former monastery of Discalced Carmelites.
Aušros vartai
The Gate of Dawn, Aušros Vartai in Lithuanian and Ostra Brama in Polish, build between 1503 en 1522, was a part of the city wall of Vilnius. Vilnius did have nine gates. The other eight gates are demolished lte 18th century. On the card here below, sent from Vilnius 1912, shows the gate. The crowd of pilgrims came here for the icon of the Virgin Mary in the chapel of the city gate. Miraculous powers are atrributed to the icon, and therefore this port occupies a special place in the life of the Lithuanian and Polish communities.